True Ghost Stories


Edition: 1st

Publisher: Tenshi Publishing

Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1-7399170-4-3

E-Book ISBN-13: 978-1-7399170-5-0

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True Ghost Stories

Working With the Other Side

True Ghost Stories –  is a little book of stories, the stories within are true events. Each one was an experience the author had. Her encounters with the spirit world has spanned all her life starting at 5 years old.

The stories are not embellished they are what they are. Most of the occurrences are in order to facilitate healing, but not all.

The purpose of this book is to continue to shed some light on the other realms of life in hope to assist those who do not believe too believe. The events mirror the authors belief that there is life past death and that death and birth are simply different sides of the same coin.

Her encounters confirm for her that:

“Birth and death are nothing more than entry points into another dimension” – Kenzo Amariyo



Previous Reviews


Really liked it, please write another one. A.D

I really admire you for what you do, I don’t know how you do it, because I would be really scared. I enjoyed reading all the stories but what happened in Arizona was really freaky for me, I guess because I have been there so it resonated more. Definitely recommend the book. T. P

OMG!!!! I was stupid enough to read this whilst at home alone in a big house, it was a dark winters night so very eerie. I won’t do that again I didn’t sleep at all and I had to keep the lights on. G. K

Scary but a good read. Never really thought about real ghosts before, you certainly made me think. J. Byrd

I am not really into ghost stories, but because I am a huge fan of the author I got this book anyway, knowing it would be different somehow. I was not disappointed! Some parts were scary and gave me a huge wake up call about looking after the energies around my home, other parts were really heart warming and reminded me how important, powerful and special goodbyes can be. I think this book would go perfectly with Poems for Loved Ones if you are struggling with saying goodbye to someone, as it really introduces you into a whole new way of looking at things. But what really stayed with me the most, was the amazing example of how a persons faith, literally saved their life. I live on my own, but I am not alone, I am never truly alone. I know that now. Thank you. Claire E


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